How To Choose the Best Solar CRM Solution For Your Company

Choosing the right solar CRM solution for your business is a difficult decision – one that can make or break customer relationships and ultimately determine the success of your organization. To ensure you have the optimal system in place, it's essential to understand what features matter most to your customers, as well as how the system will integrate with existing systems and objectives.

Understand Your Business Requirements.

Understanding your specific business requirements is a crucial step in selecting a solar CRM solution for your company. This involves analyzing your customer needs, identifying the type of data that needs to be stored in the system, and determining whether the system needs to integrate with an existing infrastructure or software. It is also essential to consider the problems you hope the CRM will solve and the specific functionalities required to address those issues. By doing so, you can ensure that you choose a solar CRM solution that meets most of your requirements while staying within your budget constraints. 

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Customer Requirements: Consider what customer information needs to be stored in the CRM, such as contact information, lead source, purchase history, and product preferences. Also, think about the communication channels you need to use to interact with customers, such as email, phone, and live chat.

  • Data Management: Identify what data you need to store in the system and how you plan to use it, such as tracking leads, customer interactions, sales and marketing activities, and project management. Consider the data privacy and security measures you need to implement to protect your customer information.

  • Integrations: Evaluate whether you need to integrate the CRM with other systems, such as accounting software, project management tools, or marketing automation platforms. Many installers leverage a 3rd party lead generation tool to give quotes, proposals, and mock images of panels on roofs. Also, consider the data transfer and synchronization needs between the different systems.

  • Problem-Solving: Analyze the problems that you want the CRM to solve, such as improving lead management, increasing customer engagement, streamlining sales and marketing activities, and optimizing project management processes. Evaluate the functionalities you need to address those issues, such as lead prioritization, task automation, data analytics, and reporting. 

  • Project Management and Installations: Some CRMs offer the capability to manage projects within the system so that you can stay up to date on where every deal is regarding installation. If you have specific steps, every project needs to go through, from the signed deal to the finished installation, then you can create pipelines to reflect that process and then trigger tasks notification, and more. 
  • Budget Constraints: Consider your budget constraints when selecting a CRM solution, considering the costs of implementation, training, maintenance, and support. Evaluate the pricing models and licensing options available, such as per user per month, perpetual license, or open-source options. Choose a CRM solution that meets most of your requirements while staying within your budget.

Sales and Marketing Features To Look Out For In A Solar CRM

Selecting the right CRM is crucial to the success of your sales and marketing efforts. A CRM solution can help you manage your customer interactions, automate your sales and marketing processes, and provide insights into your customers’ behavior and preferences.

Here are some key features and benefits to consider:

  • Contact Management: A CRM should offer a centralized database to store all your customer information and interactions, making it easy to manage and access your customer data. This includes contact information, communication history, lead source, and more.

  • Lead Management: The CRM should provide an organized and efficient way to manage your leads. This includes the ability to capture leads from various sources, assign and prioritize leads, and track lead status and activity.

  • Marketing Automation: A CRM with marketing automation features can help you streamline and automate your marketing activities, such as email campaigns, social media posts, and lead nurturing. This will help you save time and increase your marketing effectiveness.

  • Sales Automation: A CRM can also automate your sales processes, such as lead scoring, opportunity management, and sales forecasting. This will help you manage your sales pipeline and make more informed decisions.

  • Customer Insights: A CRM should provide insights into your customers’ behavior, preferences, and buying patterns. This will help you better understand your customers and personalize your sales and marketing efforts.

  • Integration: The CRM should integrate with other tools and software you use, such as email, marketing automation, and analytics. This will ensure a seamless workflow and help you get a complete view of your customers.

  • Mobile Accessibility: A CRM with mobile accessibility will allow you to manage your sales and marketing activities from anywhere, at any time. This will allow you to work from anywhere and stay connected with your customers.

A solar CRM with robust sales and marketing features can help you manage your customer interactions, automate your sales and marketing processes, and provide insights into your customers’ behavior and preferences. Choose a CRM that fits your business needs, and you'll find it much easier to hit your goals. 

Consider Scalability and On-Going Support Options. 

Scalability and ongoing support are important considerations when choosing a solar CRM solution for your business. A scalable platform is crucial as it enables your business to grow and accommodate more customers as it expands. In addition, a flexible platform that can adapt to different customers' needs is essential for providing personalized experiences.

  • Scalability: Evaluate the CRM solution to ensure it can accommodate your business growth and handle increasing customer accounts. Consider the system's architecture, performance, and flexibility, as well as the ability to add or remove functionalities as needed.

  • Customer Management: Look for a platform that provides robust customer management features, such as contact and account management, customer segmentation, and data analysis. This will enable you to manage customer interactions and data efficiently and provide personalized experiences to your customers.

  • On-going Support: Choose a provider that offers quality on-going support, such as software updates, bug fixes, and technical assistance. A provider with a responsive support team can help you resolve issues quickly and minimize downtime, ensuring smoother operations for your business.

  • Training and Documentation: Consider the training and documentation options provided by the provider, such as online tutorials, webinars, user guides, and knowledge bases. This will enable you and your team to effectively use the platform and ensure you make the most of its functionalities.

  • Integration and Customization: Evaluate the platform's integration and customization capabilities, such as APIs, webhooks, and plug-ins, to ensure it can adapt to your business processes and workflows. A platform that integrates with other systems and can be customized to meet your specific requirements will be more efficient and effective for your business.

  • Future Roadmap: Consider the provider's roadmap and plans for the platform, such as new features, functionalities, and improvements. A provider with a solid commitment to innovation and development will ensure that the platform stays current and relevant for your business.

Research Available CRMs for Solar Companies.

To make an informed decision when choosing a solar CRM solution, it is essential to conduct thorough research. As a solar installer, you should start by identifying the specific needs and requirements of your company, including customer management, data storage, integration, and budget constraints. Then, research the various options available in the market that cater to the solar industry.

Here are some critical steps you can take when researching available CRMs for your company:

  • Explore Vendors: Start by exploring different CRM vendors and their offerings. Check their websites, review their product portfolios, and compare their pricing models. Make a list of the most suitable vendors based on your business needs and budget.

  • Contact Sales Teams: Get in touch with the sales teams of the vendors you are interested in. Ask them about their services and technology capabilities, and clarify any questions. This will give you a better understanding of the vendor's offering and help you make a more informed decision.

  • Request Free Trials: Most CRM vendors offer free trials of their platforms. Take advantage of this opportunity to test the system's features and evaluate its capabilities. This will give you hands-on experience with the platform and help you determine if it's the right fit for your business.

  • Get Feedback from Users: Reach out to other solar installers who have used the CRM solution you are interested in. Ask for their feedback and experiences with the platform, and learn about any challenges they have faced. This will provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

  • Read Customer Reviews: Check online customer reviews and ratings to get a better understanding of the CRM solution's strengths and weaknesses. Look for patterns and common themes in the reviews, and consider the overall satisfaction of the customers who have used the platform.

By conducting thorough research and evaluating the available CRM solutions based on your business needs, you can make an informed decision and select the best CRM for your company.


In conclusion, a CRM is a crucial tool for solar companies looking to grow and improve their business operations. A CRM can help you manage your sales pipeline, track customer interactions, and provide valuable insights into your business. By using a CRM, you can streamline and automate your processes, allowing you to focus on growing your business and providing the best customer experience possible.

When selecting a CRM, it is important to choose a solution that fits your business needs and budget. Consider all of the features and benefits that are most important to your business, and make sure the CRM you choose offers those features.

If you are unsure how to choose the best CRM for your solar company, consider speaking with a professional. A CRM consultant can help you understand the available CRM options and how they can benefit your business. They can also provide guidance and support throughout the implementation process to ensure success.

Book a chat with a Solar CRM Pro today!

David Rowland


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